Exercise of the class 2: present simple (1).

Exercise 1.

Expressions used with the present simple.

 Frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never (the are placed before the main verb).
Time expressions:               every day / week / Friday…
On Mondays/ Sundays… 
At the weekend…
 In the morning / afternoon… 
In winter / spring… 
Once a day / week…

 A. Write the third person singular of the following verbs.

      Play:          plays                Go          goes

      Wash:       washes            teach:     teaches

     Drive:       drives             carry:        carries

      Fly:          flies                  start:       starts               

      Help:       helps                 kiss:      kisses   

     Watch:     watches            tidy:       tidies

      Like:       likes                   enjoy:     enjoys

       Cry:      cries                    mix:       mixes

B. Complete the sentences with the present simple of the verbs in brackets.

 1. Peter and his friends go to school by bus. (go)

 2. Elephants eat leaves and grass. (eat)

 3. David´s father works in a hospital. (work)

4. The bank opens at 9:30 and close at 4:30. (close)

5. Tom and Jim play football every day after school. (play)

6. Mr. Jones is a teacher. He teaches history. (teach)

 7. Our lessons start at 9:00 and finish at 3:30. (start/finish)

8. My pen friend lives in Japan. (live)

 9. Mary and her brother watch cartoons every Sunday morning. (watch)

10. John tidies his room every day. (tidy)

 C.  Rewrite the sentences beginning with he or she

 1. They collect stamps. He collects stamps

 2. I go to school by bus. She goes to school by bus

 3. We drive to work. He drives to work

 4. They hurry home every day. She harries home every day 

5. You arrive late every morning. She arrives late every morning 

D. Fill in with do or does.

 1. Does Ronald play basketball?

 2. Do they work in an office?

3. Do you like English?

4. Does Susan usually go to a disco at the weekend?

 5. Do we walk to school?

 6. Do Bob and Patrick collect stamps?

 7. Does the cat sit by the fireplace?

 8. Does Grace finish school at 6:30?

 9. Does Mr. Walker read the newspaper in the evening?

 10. Do you have lunch in the canteen?

 E. complete the sentences with do / don’t / does / doesn´t.

 1. Do you like maths? Yes, I don´t

 2. Does sally like reading? Yes, he doesn’t

3. Does Mathew play handball every Saturday? No, he doesn´t.

 4. Do jane and Mary go to the cinema on Sunday? No, they don´t.

5. Do you like writing letters? No, I don´t.

6. Does Angela get up late? No, she doesn´t.

 7. Do we spend the afternoon together? Yes, we don´t. 

8. Does Paul like skate-boarding? No, he doesn´t.

 9. Does the cat like lying in the sun? yes, it doesn´t

10. Do they speak German? No, don’t

F. Rewrite the sentences in the: a) negative form. b) interrogative form.

1. I get up at 8:00 every day.

a) I don´t get up at 8:00 every day.
b) Do you get up at 8:00 every day?

2. Grace has breakfast in the kitchen.

 a) Grace doesn´t have breakfast in the kitchen.
b) Does Grace have breakfast in the kitchen?

 3. Mr. Robson to work every morning.

a) Mr. Robson doesn´t drive to work every morning. b) Does Mr. Robson drive to work every morning?

 4. We usually do our homework after school.

 a) We usually don´t do our homework after school.
b) Do we usually do our homework after school?

5. Mrs. Davies works in an office.

 a) Mr. Davies doesn´t work in an office.
b) Does Mrs. Davies work in an office?


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